The Londoner Hotelゲスト専用クラブ
The Londoner Hotelのゲスト専用のThe Residenceは、英国の王室、演劇、そして英国のセレブリティや著名人からインスピレーションを得たアートをテーマにした一連の客室を備えた特別なクラブです。国際色豊かなビュッフェ式朝食、アフタヌーンティー、終日提供している軽食、イブニングカクテルなど、自宅のような温かみのある空間で、ロンドンの贅沢なライフスタイルをご体験ください。
Experience the heritage of London
Explore the culinary delights of The Londoner

The Green Room
The exclusive outlet provides all-day dining for guests of The Londoner Hotel. Indulge in the expansive spread of the international buffet breakfast, enjoy the quintessential British afternoon tea experience, stop in for snacks throughout the day, and return for your evening cocktails. Celebrate the eclectic culinary pleasures of London, The Residence offers traditional British fare, international favourites, and local specialties.

The Bar and Terrace
Explore our truly hidden gem at The Residence. Located on level 3, The Londoner Hotel’s exclusive bar and lounge is the perfect setting to relax and unwind. Enjoy one of the signature cocktails crafted by our gifted mixologists while taking in the magnificent view of the Elizabeth Tower.